Archive for September 17th, 2011


An Open Letter To President Obama

Dear Mr President,

I want to start right off with letting you know that I am a registered Republican, that I voted for you in the 2008 election, that I believed in you as the man that would most likely get us out of the trouble we are in.

To a large degree I can say that you have fought the good fight, you have held your chin up even during one of the most harmful and emotional upheavals in our countries history. You have truly been a good man, a man of the people, and I salute you.

I’d like to tell you a little more about why I voted for you. Not only am I a registered Republican, but I am also a white male registered Republican with a family heritage of Scot and Irish. All reasons why I wouldn’t vote for a black man, who is a Democrat, as president of the United States of America.

However, I am really worried that our country is on the brink of total financial and moral collapse. I vote in most every election, and feel it is important to cast a vote and do ones part in the political process that has been forced upon us. When I say forced here, I don’t mean our democracy, I mean the system that we have been slowly but surely pushed into where we have to register as a Republican or Democrat in order to vote in the primaries, even that is fraught with problems, because I and all of the people like me can’t select the best man for the job, unless they are associated with our party. That process is further confused and reduced in value by the electoral college and the power they have to override the popular vote.

It’s like the process of governing is not hard enough in and of itself, so lets divide ourselves up into differing parties and groups and create an atmosphere of antagonism and division so no one can understand the process. This vaunted process that has evolved from the earliest portions of our governing history and has made it possible for 545 human beings to control the lives of 300,000,000 citizens of these United States.

I vote my conscience, I vote for what and who I think is best for me and my 299,999,999 fellow United States Citizens.

You are the man I felt would get the job done, come hell or high water. I didn’t vote for you because you are a Democrat, and I didn’t vote for you because you weren’t a Republican. I voted for you because you impressed me with the idea that you would govern these United States for the benefit of it’s people. Yes you are a Democrat by your registration, but I felt that your constituents, all 300 million of us, would come first. I felt you would be a man of the people, a president of the people. So far you have tried very hard to fulfill my expectations, which I think are the same as many other peoples expectations.

I want to apologize for the Americans that are in leadership positions, such as, newscasters, talk show hosts, sports people, actors, and other politicians, that felt it was ok to belittle and put down the office you represent by referring to you as Obama, or Barack. You are the president of the United States of America. You earned your position by the vote of the people. You have earned your right to be President Obama… I know all of these folks have the right of free speech, and can say anything they want, but when they are disrespecting the President of The United States, they are disrespecting themselves.

What must other countries think about our president. If our people, and the Presidents colleagues, do not respect the office or the man that holds the office, why should our adversaries, and other countries act respectfully. We truly, as Americans, need to wake up and smell the roses. We can show those that disrespect the office of the president that we don’t care for there brand of Americanism and not buy there products, don’t listen to their talk shows, don’t watch there programs on the television.

Now President Obama, here’s where it gets kinda dicey. I supported you with my vote. I don’t feel you have followed through with your end of the deal.

I know that you have tried hard to get your programs through, and I know that politics in general have stood in the way of your success. It must be disheartening to see so many of your detractors able to say the foulest things, many of them spun to make them the worst possible threats to your administration. I don’t think I have ever seen any sitting president so maligned, vilified, and downright lied about in my lifetime, as your fellow politicians have done to you. I commend you for not reacting in a negative and less than beneficial manner.

BUT, Mr President, if you want my support in 2012, you need to start kicking butt and taking names. Put it all out there. Go back to your original plan. Be my President without regard to my political affiliation. Your people await your positive action and will support you when they see that you are the leader you represented yourself to be. Stand up sir, be counted, lead us out of this totally unacceptable position we are in.

Our politicians have made a mockery of our government. They have cost the world, and in particular the citizens of the United States, Trillions of dollars in losses while they quibbled over who was the king of the hill. Our politicians, to a man, should be ashamed of their behavior. If they were in a corporate environment they would have been fired, every man jack of them.

You sir are the President, My President, I expect you to get these lug-heads, that think they are such great political negotiators, together and start running our country in such a way that we can all be proud to say “I’m an American”, where we can count on there being food on the table and a job to go to in the morning.

We are not some third world country, YET. Our politicians need to get there act together and start working for the common good before the United States being a third world country becomes a reality.

Mr President, I want to support you, if you can get YOUR ACT together. I feel you are the man that can lead this country out of this terrible spot we are in, and get this country off it’s knees.

I remain a Republican, though I must say that my Republican representatives are making a mockery of governing for the people, I am embarrassed for the whole lot of them. I no longer have any pride in saying that I am a Republican. To be sure I don’t feel the Democrats, given the same advantage that the Republicans are now exercising, would behave much differently.

A voter that needs convincing…

Donald F. Sutherland

A Citizen of The United States America


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